What are the important nutrients for the kids?
The following nutrients are the most popular for kids. However, we need more variety of nutrients to nurture a healthy kid such as fibre, phytochemicals, antioxidants, polysaccharides and etc.
Protein: Protein helps in building, maintaining and replacing tissues and muscles in the body. Protein is also necessary for the generation and regeneration of cells in the body. It aids in blood replenishment, heals wounds and also regulates the growth of hair and nails.
Calcium: Calcium is an indispensable mineral involved in human growth, bone development, and blood clotting. In the human body, calcium is the most abundant essential mineral; it accounts for 1.5%-2% of the total body weight.
Vitamins: The human body requires vitamins to convert food into energy, and vitamins also play an extremely important role in the building and repairing of tissues and organs.
Is milk a good protein source for your kids?
Most parents believe that their children should continue to drink milk in order to have sufficient intake of protein and calcium. However, you may overlook its disadvantages, a few examples as shown below.
Food Allergy: Food allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to certain proteins found in the food we eat. The majority of food allergies are caused by cow’s milk, eggs, fish, peanuts, shellfish, tree nuts, and wheat.
Asthma: Dairy products such as milk may stimulate excess mucus production and worsen clogging of the lungs, resulting in asthma attacks.
Calcium Loss: Studies have shown that the higher the consumption of animal protein from food such as milk, the greater the calcium loss. The animal protein is high in sulfur-containing amino acids and metabolized into sulfuric acid in the body, the body tries to neutralize the acid by drawing calcium from bones.
Type 1 Diabetes: Some studies have suggested that cow’s milk-based infant formulas and cow’s milk consumption in childhood may promote the development of type 1 diabetes.
Overweight: The fat and calories (136Cal per 200ml) in milk will contribute to childhood obesity. Obese children were 26% more likely to have an allergy than children of healthy weight.

Do kids need vitamin and mineral supplements?
In recent years, taking supplements has become a norm in busy modern lives. But more and more studies have pointed out the potential health threats of taking man-made supplements. Please see a few examples as shown below: -
Vitamin A Pill: Overdoses of Vitamin A have been found to increase the risk of liver damage, reduced bone mineral density, and birth defects in children.
Vitamin C Pill: Large, long-term doses of supplemental vitamin C can cause dependency and rebound scurvy can occur after abrupt withdrawal.
Vitamin E Pill: Japanese scientists discovered that an excessive intake of vitamin E leads to a higher risk of osteoporosis.
Calcium Pill: Researchers reviewed 19 studies involving 2,859 children and found that calcium supplementation only had a small effect on bone mineral density, which is unlikely to reduce the risk of fracture, either in childhood or later life.
Why kids should avoid medicine?
Unless is necessary, otherwise no parents will happy to feed the kids with the medicine due to the adverse side effects, a few examples as shown below.
Antibiotics: Avoid antibiotics, especially for children aged 2 years and younger. A study showed a link between antibiotic use in the first two years of life and asthma at age 7.5 years. It may also cause bacterial resistance, diarrhea and allergic reactions.
Steroids: Steroids are used for symptom relief, but they reduce immune activity, thereby lowering resistance to infection and delaying healing in the long run. Using topical steroids in large doses over prolonged periods may affect children’s growth.
What is the best food for kids?
Soy is the ideal plant food for replenishing protein – its protein contents are 2 x meat, 3 x chicken eggs and 12 x cow’s milk.
Soy is rich in calcium and iron to keep bones healthy and to produce haemoglobin the blood.
Soy is high in fibre, low in fat and cholesterol-free.
Soy phytoestrogens can prevent bone loss, enhance the body’s calcium absorption and increase bone mineral density.
Soy favours the proliferation of beneficial gut bacteria.
Soy is also packed with disease-fighting nutrients like phytochemicals, antioxidants, and polysaccharides.
Soy is rich in phospholipids, specifically lecithin, hence a diet in soy contributes to better learning capabilities and helps to improve memory and vitality.
Psyllium Husk
There are 78g of fiber in 100g of psyllium husk, 7 x oats, 20 x apples and 39 x brown rice.
With higher water content than other fibres, psyllium husk can soften the feces and prevent constipation.
Psyllium husk can lower intestinal disease, reduce blood cholesterol levels, control the rise of blood sugar levels, and prevent cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Variety of Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables contain phytochemicals, antioxidants, and other disease-fighting nutrients as well as vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
People who consume salads and raw vegetables on a regular basis have higher levels of folic acid and vitamins C and E in their blood.
Contains 50 times the amount of antioxidants found in lemons; enhance the body's ability to produce collagen to achieve anti-ageing and health objective.
Increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes to defend the body against oxidative stress.
A gentle astringent for antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.
Cactus Fruit
Cactus fruit is high in vitamins A, B1, B12, D3 and riboflavin.
The fruit can help to promote skin repair and regeneration, soften the skin, and significantly improve the skin's condition and appearance.
Acelora Cherry
Bioavailability (active component) of the vitamin C in acerola cherry is 1.63 times higher than synthetic vitamin C.
Also rich in many types of minerals and phytochemicals, and they have excellent antifungal and antibacterial properties.
Rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
Prevent infections and oxidative damage.
Cactus extract is rich in nutrients such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. It also abundant in phytochemicals, antioxidants, and polysaccharides.
Cactus contains essential amino acids not manufactured by the human body that aid in multiple chemical reactions in the body.
Research indicates that the high level of nutrients and antioxidants in cactus and cactus fruit can help prevent DNA damage, and effectively inhibit and fight against the free radical formation.
The phytochemicals in the cactus can help to inhibit different tumour formation processes and nourish the immune system to prevent disease.
Cactus contains beta-sitosterol, an anti-inflammatory phytochemical that aids in wound healing and inhibiting inflammations.
American Ginseng
American ginseng is packed with fibre, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, vitamin C, B vitamins and ginsenosides.
Rb1 (a type of ginsenosides) is an antioxidant in American Ginseng that can prevent ulcers, help the body to cope with stress, and increase rates of learning. It also enhances nerve regeneration.
American ginseng is rich phytochemicals, antioxidants and polysaccharides that help to strengthen the immune system and maintaining good health.